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    Documentation Standalone Module

    Resource Library

    Effortlessly manage and deliver your resources with our dynamic Resource Library

    Resource Library


    Steps use Resource Library

    Step 1: Go to the page where you want to add the module.

    In the editor click the + icon > Modules and Forms and buttons, and drag the Resource Library module


    Step 2: Select initial options

    You have the option to columns and others elements


    Step 3: Adding items to the Resource Library

    In this step, you will populate your Resource Library with valuable content to engage and inform your audience.

    Fill in Details:

    Thumbnail Image: Upload an image that represents the resource visually.

    Title: Provide a clear and concise title for the resource.

    Description: Write a brief description that highlights the key points and value of the resource.

    Filters: Assign the resource to a relevant tags to help users filter and find content easily.

    Link: Attach the resource file or provide a link to where it can be accessed.


    Step 3: You add customization touches in the styles tab

    In the styles tab you can modify font colors, backgrounds and more.

    Step 4: Publish and Test

    Publish Your Resource Library: Make your Resource Library live on your website.

    Test User Experience: Navigate through your Resource Library as a user would to ensure everything is working correctly and content is easily accessible.