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Documentation Ocean Pro Theme

System pages template

Apply Ocean theme system templates in your settings.

System page

Configuring your child theme's system templates in the final domain


Types of System Page Templates in HubSpot

  1. Error Pages: 404 and 500 error pages inform users that they have landed on a non-existent page or encountered a technical issue.
  2. Password Prompt Page: This page appears when access to content requires a password.
  3. Subscription Preferences Page: Allows email recipients to manage their email subscriptions and opt-out of all emails. Customize this template to engage with contacts during the subscription process, such as explaining how they can re-subscribe to specific email types if they change their minds.
  4. Backup Unsubscribe Page: A fallback page for email recipients attempting to unsubscribe if HubSpot cannot determine their email address.
  5. Subscription Update Confirmation Page: Displays when an email recipient updates their subscription preferences.
  6. Search Results Page: Showcases search results when visitors utilize the site search function.

Important: Error pages change immediately, make sure you have the full page header and pi before changing system templates.

Choose Your Error and Password Prompt Page Templates

Access click here to System page

Use the dropdown menus to choose your templates for the 404 Error Page, 500 Error Page, Password Prompt Page, and Search Results Page.


Different system templates per domain.

You can place a different template to each domain in case it applies and you have created more than one child theme.
